Event Consideration

In order to be considered for an event, you must first have your book approved.


We offer three event types: Sunday Signings, Author Readings, and Book Launches.

You must make your request at least two months in advance of your desired date.

While you may make a request for the type of event you would prefer, it is up to the discretion of the Pearl’s team to determine what option you have.

The guidelines we have set forth are new as of early 2024, so please know that if you have scheduled with us in the past, arrangements may be different now.

We will post about your event on our social media channels, but successful events require time, effort, and marketing by the author and/or their team. We have a limited audience, and therefore if you do not promote your event, it will not be successful.

We will only do events for work that has been recently published.

We will not repeat any events with authors for the same work.

Sunday Signings

Sunday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Do not include a reading.

The author will be set up at a table in the store to sign books for customers.

Authors will need to bring their own books.

We will cut you a check for 60% of total sales at the end of the event.

Author Readings

Author events are added to our calendar as our schedule allows.

We will not schedule more than one author reading per month.

We will schedule two authors for one evening, and will do our best to find common themes in work.

Author events are scheduled for Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

Each author will prepare 10-15 minutes’ worth of reading and/or discussion on their work, followed by one combined Q+A with the audience.

Book Launch

These are special occasion events for authors with newly released and highly anticipated work.

This type of event does not include a traditional author reading setup, but rather a standing reception atmosphere.

The author will say a few words, do a short reading if they wish, and the rest of the evening will be spent signing books and celebrating among friends and family.

Authors are welcome to supply light refreshments, and Pearl’s can sell alcohol.