We Love Book Clubs.

How it Works

  • Order Your Book

    Simply email us at hello@pearlsbooks.com with the following information two weeks in advance of when you want the book:
    - Book Title
    -Book Author
    -ISBN #
    -Quantity Needed

    We will get the books on order within the following week after we receive your request, and confirm the order via mail at that time. We will email you again when the books arrive.

    You will receive a 10% discount on all book club purchases.
    If you pre-pay for the entire order over the phone or in-person, then you will receive a 15% discount. You must place the order and pay at the same time for this option.

  • Reserve Space

    We offer a book club space that can comfortably, seat 6, and up to 10 if you don’t mind squeezing in. You can enjoy a glass (or bottle!) of wine or beer sold in-store, and you’re welcome to bring your own snacks.

    Email us at hello@pearlsbooks.com with a few time options, and we’ll get the space reserved for you!

    We do not charge a fee to use the space for book clubs